• Definition - Any small rodent of the genus Mus.
  • Definition - A member of the many small rodent and marsupial species resembling such a rodent.
  • Definition - A quiet or shy person.
  • Definition - (plural mice or, rarely, mouses) An input device that is moved over a pad or other flat surface to produce a corresponding movement of a pointer on a graphical display.
  • Definition - Hematoma.
  • Definition - A turn or lashing of spun yarn or small stuff, or a metallic clasp or fastening, uniting the point and shank of a hook to prevent its unhooking or straightening out.
  • Definition - A familiar term of endearment.
  • Definition - A match used in firing guns or blasting.
  • Definition - A small model of (a fragment of) Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory with desirable properties (depending on the context).
  • Definition - A small cushion for a woman's hair.
  • Definition - To move cautiously or furtively, in the manner of a mouse (the rodent) (frequently used in the phrasal verb to mouse around).
  • Definition - To hunt or catch mice (the rodents), usually of cats.
  • Definition - To close the mouth of a hook by a careful binding of marline or wire.
  • Example - Captain Higgins moused the hook with a bit of marline to prevent the block beckets from falling out under slack.
  • Definition - To navigate by means of a computer mouse.
  • Example - Captain Higgins moused the hook with a bit of marline to prevent the block beckets from falling out under slack.
  • Definition - To tear, as a cat devours a mouse.
  • Example - Captain Higgins moused the hook with a bit of marline to prevent the block beckets from falling out under slack.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
meous 7 moues 7 mouse 7
4 Letter Words
emos 6 emus 6 meou 6 moue 6 muse 6 muso 6 some 6 sumo 6
3 Letter Words
emo 5 ems 5 emu 5 mes 5 mos 5 mus 5 oms 5 som 5 sum 5 ums 5 oes 3 ose 3 sou 3 sue 3 use 3
2 Letter Words
em 4 me 4 mo 4 mu 4 om 4 um 4 es 2 oe 2 os 2 so 2 us 2