• Definition - The operation or function that returns the remainder of one number divided by another.
  • Definition - Given a specified modulus of.
  • Example - 21 and 84 are congruent to each other modulo 9, since both numbers leave the same remainder, 3, when divided by 9.
  • Definition - Except for differences accounted for by.
  • Example - "A is the same as B modulo C" means A is the same as B except for differences accounted for by C.
  • Synonyms - up to
  • Definition - (extended use) With due allowance for (a specified exception or particular detail).
  • Example - All mammals, modulo the monotremes, give birth to live young.
  • Synonyms - barring except for save for
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
modulo 9
5 Letter Words
duomo 8 mould 8
4 Letter Words
doom 7 doum 7 mold 7 mood 7 loom 6 mool 6 loud 5 ludo 5
3 Letter Words
dom 6 dum 6 mod 6 mud 6 lum 5 mol 5 moo 5 dol 4 duo 4 lud 4 old 4 oud 4 udo 4 loo 3
2 Letter Words
mo 4 mu 4 om 4 um 4 do 3 od 3 lo 2