• Definition - To fail to hit.
  • Example - I missed the target.
  • Definition - To fail to achieve or attain.
  • Example - to miss an opportunity
  • Definition - To avoid; to escape.
  • Example - The car just missed hitting a passer-by.
  • Definition - To become aware of the loss or absence of; to feel the want or need of, sometimes with regret.
  • Example - I miss you! Come home soon!
  • Definition - To fail to understand; to have a shortcoming of perception; overlook.
  • Example - miss the joke
  • Definition - To fail to attend.
  • Example - Joe missed the meeting this morning.
  • Definition - To be late for something (a means of transportation, a deadline, etc.).
  • Example - I missed the plane!
  • Definition - To be wanting; to lack something that should be present.
  • Example - The car is missing essential features.
  • Definition - (said of a card) To fail to help the hand of a player.
  • Example - Player A: J7. Player B: Q6. Table: 283. The flop missed both players!
  • Definition - To fail to score (a goal).
  • Example - Player A: J7. Player B: Q6. Table: 283. The flop missed both players!
  • Definition - To go wrong; to err.
  • Example - Player A: J7. Player B: Q6. Table: 283. The flop missed both players!
  • Definition - To be absent, deficient, or wanting.
  • Example - Player A: J7. Player B: Q6. Table: 283. The flop missed both players!
  • Definition - A value that is missing.
  • Example - Player A: J7. Player B: Q6. Table: 283. The flop missed both players!
  • Definition - Not able to be located; gone, misplaced.
  • Example - my missing socks
  • Synonyms - absent lost
  • Definition - Not present when it (they) should be.
  • Example - Joe went missing last year.
  • Definition - Of an internal combustion engine: running roughly due to an occasional lack of a spark or other irregular fault.
  • Example - Joe went missing last year.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
missing 10
5 Letter Words
minis 7 signs 6 sings 6
4 Letter Words
migs 7 isms 6 mini 6 miss 6 nims 6 sims 6 gins 5 sign 5 sigs 5 sing 5 nisi 4 sins 4
3 Letter Words
mig 6 ism 5 mis 5 nim 5 sim 5 gin 4 gis 4 sig 4 ins 3 sin 3 sis 3
2 Letter Words
mi 4 gi 3 in 2 is 2 si 2