• Definition - A waiting room in an office, airport etc.
  • Definition - A domestic living room.
  • Definition - An establishment, similar to a bar, that serves alcohol and often plays background music or shows television.
  • Definition - A large comfortable seat for two or three people or more, a sofa or couch; also called lounge chair.
  • Definition - The act of one who lounges; idle reclining.
  • Definition - To relax; to spend time lazily; to stand, sit, or recline, in an indolent manner.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
lounge 7
5 Letter Words
gluon 6 longe 6 lunge 6
4 Letter Words
genu 5 glen 5 glue 5 gone 5 loge 5 long 5 luge 5 lung 5 ogle 5 enol 4 leno 4 lone 4 lune 4 noel 4
3 Letter Words
ego 4 eng 4 gel 4 gen 4 gnu 4 gul 4 gun 4 leg 4 log 4 lug 4 neg 4 nog 4 nug 4 eon 3 leu 3 lun 3 ole 3 one 3
2 Letter Words
go 3 el 2 en 2 lo 2 ne 2 no 2 nu 2 oe 2 on 2 un 2