• Definition - (except in derivatives) air, the air; the sky, the heavens.
  • Definition - An attic or similar space (often used for storage) in the roof of a house or other building.
  • Definition - The thickness of a soft object when not under pressure.
  • Definition - A gallery or raised apartment in a church, hall, etc.
  • Example - an organ loft
  • Definition - The pitch or slope of the face of a golf club (tending to drive the ball upward).
  • Example - an organ loft
  • Definition - A floor or room placed above another.
  • Example - an organ loft
  • Definition - To propel high into the air.
  • Example - an organ loft
  • Definition - To fly or travel through the air, as though propelled
  • Example - an organ loft
  • Definition - To throw the ball erroneously through the air instead of releasing it on the lane's surface.
  • Example - an organ loft
  • Definition - To furnish with a loft space.
  • Example - an organ loft
  • Definition - Lofty; proud; haughty
  • Example - an organ loft
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
loft 7
3 Letter Words
oft 6 lot 3
2 Letter Words
of 5 lo 2 to 2