• Definition - A strap-shaped structure.
  • Definition - A portion of a leaf found at the base of the petiole, when present.
  • Definition - In many grasses (Poaceae) and some sedges (Cyperaceae), the membranous appendage or ring of hairs projecting from the inner side of a leaf at the junction between the blade and the sheath.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
ligule 7
5 Letter Words
guile 6
4 Letter Words
gill 5 glue 5 gull 5 iglu 5 luge 5 lieu 4
3 Letter Words
gel 4 gie 4 gul 4 leg 4 lug 4 ell 3 ill 3 lei 3 leu 3 lie 3
2 Letter Words
gi 3 el 2 li 2