• Definition - The left side or direction.
  • Definition - The ensemble of left-wing political parties. Those holding left-wing views as a group.
  • Example - The political left is holding too much power.
  • Definition - The left hand or fist.
  • Example - The political left is holding too much power.
  • Definition - A punch delivered with the left fist.
  • Example - The political left is holding too much power.
  • Definition - A wave breaking from left to right (viewed from the shore).
  • Example - The political left is holding too much power.
  • Definition - The opposite of right; toward the west when one is facing north.
  • Example - The left side.
  • Synonyms - sinister sinistral
  • Definition - Pertaining to the political left.
  • Example - The left side.
  • Definition - On the left side.
  • Example - The left side.
  • Definition - Towards the left side.
  • Example - Turn left at the corner.
  • Definition - Towards the political left.
  • Example - The East Coast of the US leans left in elections.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
felt 7 left 7
3 Letter Words
eft 6 elf 6 fet 6 let 3 tel 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fe 5 el 2 et 2 te 2