• Definition - A prostitute's client.
  • Definition - A device or place to urinate and defecate: now usually a toilet or lavatory, but also a chamber pot or outhouse.
  • Definition - A Western man traveling in East Asia.
  • Definition - A male mule.
  • Definition - A condom.
  • Definition - An inexperienced new worker, usually an immigrant.
  • Definition - A hospital gown: a gown with a back opening closed with snaps or ties, worn by hospital patients.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
johnnies 18
7 Letter Words
johnnie 17 enjoins 14
6 Letter Words
enjoin 13
5 Letter Words
johns 15 shoji 15 jinns 12 joins 12 jones 12 hoise 8 hones 8 hosen 8 shine 8 shone 8 eosin 5 neons 5 nines 5 noise 5 nones 5
4 Letter Words
john 14 josh 14 jeon 11 jinn 11 jins 11 joes 11 join 11 hens 7 hies 7 hins 7 hisn 7 hoes 7 hone 7 hons 7 hose 7 nosh 7 shen 7 shin 7 shoe 7 sinh 7 eons 4 inns 4 ions 4 neon 4 nine 4 noes 4 none 4 nose 4 ones 4 sine 4 sone 4
3 Letter Words
jin 10 joe 10 hen 6 hes 6 hie 6 hin 6 his 6 hoe 6 hon 6 hos 6 noh 6 ohs 6 she 6 sho 6 soh 6 ens 3 eon 3 inn 3 ins 3 ion 3 nos 3 oes 3 one 3 ons 3 ose 3 sei 3 sen 3 sin 3 son 3
2 Letter Words
jo 9 eh 5 he 5 hi 5 ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 en 2 es 2 in 2 is 2 ne 2 no 2 oe 2 oi 2 on 2 os 2 si 2 so 2