• Definition - A dance style popular in the 1940–50s.
  • Definition - Swing, a style of jazz music.
  • Definition - A slang associated with jazz musicians; hepcat patois or hipster jargon.
  • Definition - Nonsense; transparently deceptive talk.
  • Example - Don’t give me that jive. I know where you were last night.
  • Definition - African-American Vernacular English.
  • Example - Don’t give me that jive. I know where you were last night.
  • Definition - To deceive; to be deceptive.
  • Example - Don’t try to jive me! I know where you were last night!
  • Definition - To dance.
  • Example - Don’t try to jive me! I know where you were last night!
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
jive 14
3 Letter Words
vie 6