• Definition - The sound of metal or glass clattering against itself.
  • Example - He heard the jingle of her keys in the door and turned off the screen.
  • Definition - A small piece of metal attached to a musical instrument, such as a tambourine, so as to make a jangling sound when the instrument is played.
  • Example - Her tambourine didn't come with any jingles attached.
  • Definition - A memorable short song, or in some cases a snippet of a popular song with its lyrics modified, used for the purposes of advertising a product or service in a TV or radio commercial.
  • Example - That used-car dealership's jingle has been stuck in my head since we heard that song.
  • Definition - A carriage drawn by horses.
  • Example - That used-car dealership's jingle has been stuck in my head since we heard that song.
  • Definition - A brief phone call; a ring.
  • Example - Give me a jingle when you find out something.
  • Definition - A jingle shell.
  • Example - Give me a jingle when you find out something.
  • Definition - Coin money.
  • Example - Give me a jingle when you find out something.
  • Definition - To make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself.
  • Example - The beads jingled as she walked.
  • Definition - To cause to make a noise of metal or glass clattering against itself.
  • Example - She jingled the beads as she walked.
  • Definition - To rhyme or sound with a jingling effect.
  • Example - She jingled the beads as she walked.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
jingle 14
5 Letter Words
ingle 6
4 Letter Words
gien 5 glen 5 ling 5 lien 4 line 4
3 Letter Words
jig 11 jin 10 eng 4 gel 4 gen 4 gie 4 gin 4 leg 4 neg 4 lei 3 lie 3 lin 3 nil 3
2 Letter Words
gi 3 el 2 en 2 in 2 li 2 ne 2