• Definition - An explosive mixture of nitroglycerine and nitrate absorbed onto a base of wood pulp.
  • Definition - A dessert made by boiling gelatine, sugar and some flavouring (often derived from fruit) and allowing it to set, known as "jello" in North America.
  • Definition - A clear or translucent fruit preserve, made from fruit juice and set using either naturally occurring, or added, pectin. Known as "jam" in Commonwealth English.
  • Definition - A savoury substance, derived from meat, that has the same texture as the dessert.
  • Definition - Any substance or object having the consistency of jelly.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - A jellyfish.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - A pretty girl; a girlfriend.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - A large backside, especially a woman's.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - A jelly shoe.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - Blood.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - To wiggle like jelly.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - To make jelly.
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
  • Definition - A coconut with soft or gelatinous meat inside as well as the meat itself (which is of regular quality if the coconut is immature)
  • Example - calf's-foot jelly
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
jellies 14
5 Letter Words
jells 12 jills 12 lisle 5 selle 5
4 Letter Words
jees 11 jell 11 jill 11 eels 4 ells 4 else 4 ills 4 isle 4 lees 4 leis 4 lies 4 seel 4 sell 4 sill 4
3 Letter Words
jee 10 eel 3 ell 3 els 3 ill 3 lee 3 lei 3 les 3 lie 3 lis 3 see 3 sei 3 sel 3
2 Letter Words
el 2 es 2 is 2 li 2 si 2