• Definition - To feel itchy; to feel a need to be scratched.
  • Definition - To have a constant, teasing urge; to feel strongly motivated; to want or desire something.
  • Example - He started learning to drive and he has been itching for opportunities to practice ever since.
  • Definition - To cause to feel an itch.
  • Example - He started learning to drive and he has been itching for opportunities to practice ever since.
  • Definition - To scratch or rub so as to relieve an itch.
  • Example - He started learning to drive and he has been itching for opportunities to practice ever since.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
itched 12
5 Letter Words
chide 11 ditch 11 ethic 10 cited 8 edict 8
4 Letter Words
chid 10 chit 9 echt 9 etch 9 itch 9 tech 9 hide 8 hied 8 cedi 7 dice 7 iced 7 cite 6 etic 6 diet 5 dite 5 edit 5 tide 5 tied 5
3 Letter Words
chi 8 hic 8 ich 8 edh 7 hid 7 eth 6 het 6 hie 6 hit 6 the 6 ice 5 tec 5 tic 5 die 4 dit 4 ted 4 tie 3
2 Letter Words
eh 5 he 5 hi 5 de 3 ed 3 id 3 et 2 it 2 te 2 ti 2