• Definition - To contradict, to provide proof that something is not.
  • Example - The thought is that you see an episode of observation, experiment, or reasoning as confirming or infirming a hypothesis depending on whether your probability for it increases or decreases during the episode.
  • Definition - Weak or ill, not in good health.
  • Example - He was infirm of body but still keen of mind, and though it looked like he couldn't walk across the room, he crushed me in debate.
  • Definition - Irresolute; weak of mind or will.
  • Example - He was infirm of body but still keen of mind, and though it looked like he couldn't walk across the room, he crushed me in debate.
  • Definition - Frail; unstable; insecure.
  • Example - He was infirm of body but still keen of mind, and though it looked like he couldn't walk across the room, he crushed me in debate.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
infirm 11
5 Letter Words
mirin 7
4 Letter Words
firm 9 firn 7 mini 6 miri 6
3 Letter Words
fin 6 fir 6 rif 6 mir 5 nim 5 rim 5 rin 3
2 Letter Words
if 5 mi 4 in 2