• Definition - An alphabetical listing of items and their location.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - The index finger; the forefinger.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A movable finger on a gauge, scale, etc.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A symbol resembling a pointing hand, used to direct particular attention to a note or paragraph.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Synonyms - manicule
  • Definition - That which points out; that which shows, indicates, manifests, or discloses.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A sign; an indication; a token.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A type of noun where the meaning of the form changes with respect to the context. E.g., 'Today's newspaper' is an indexical form since its referent will differ depending on the context. See also icon and symbol.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A single number calculated from an array of prices or of quantities.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A number representing a property or ratio, a coefficient.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A raised suffix indicating a power.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - An integer or other key indicating the location of data e.g. within an array, vector, database table, associative array, or hash table.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A data structure that improves the performance of operations on a table.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
  • Definition - A prologue indicating what follows.
  • Example - The index of a book lists words or expressions and the pages of the book upon which they are to be found.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
incised 10 indices 10
6 Letter Words
incise 8 indies 7 inside 7
5 Letter Words
cedis 8 dices 8 disci 8 scend 8 cines 7 since 7 dines 6 indie 6 nides 6 snide 6 nisei 5
4 Letter Words
cedi 7 dice 7 disc 7 iced 7 cine 6 ices 6 nice 6 sice 6 deni 5 dens 5 desi 5 dies 5 dine 5 dins 5 ends 5 ides 5 nide 5 nidi 5 send 5 side 5 sned 5 nisi 4 sine 4
3 Letter Words
cis 5 ice 5 sec 5 sic 5 den 4 die 4 din 4 dis 4 eds 4 end 4 ids 4 ens 3 ins 3 sei 3 sen 3 sin 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 id 3 en 2 es 2 in 2 is 2 ne 2 si 2