• Definition - Quickly proceeding to judgment and forceful in expression; decisive; forthright.
  • Example - An incisive producer, who expressed vehement disapproval with my pitch upon my first sentence.
  • Definition - Intelligently analytical and concise.
  • Example - An incisive producer, who expressed vehement disapproval with my pitch upon my first sentence.
  • Definition - Having the quality of incising, cutting, or penetrating, as with a sharp instrument; sharp; acute; sarcastic; biting.
  • Example - An incisive producer, who expressed vehement disapproval with my pitch upon my first sentence.
  • Definition - Of or relating to the incisors.
  • Example - the incisive bones, the premaxillaries
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
incisive 13
6 Letter Words
civies 11 incise 8
5 Letter Words
civie 10 vices 10 vinic 10 ivies 8 veins 8 vines 8 cines 7 since 7 nisei 5
4 Letter Words
vice 9 nevi 7 vein 7 vies 7 vine 7 vins 7 vise 7 cine 6 ices 6 nice 6 sice 6 nisi 4 sine 4
3 Letter Words
sev 6 vie 6 vin 6 vis 6 cis 5 ice 5 sec 5 sic 5 ens 3 ins 3 sei 3 sen 3 sin 3
2 Letter Words
en 2 es 2 in 2 is 2 ne 2 si 2