• Definition - The outer covering of a fruit or seed.
  • Definition - Any covering.
  • Definition - To remove the outer covering of a fruit or seed.
  • Example - She sat on the back porch hulling peanuts.
  • Definition - The body or frame of a vessel, such as a ship or plane.
  • Example - She sat on the back porch hulling peanuts.
  • Definition - (of a set A) The smallest set that possesses a particular property (such as convexity) and contains every point of A; slightly more formally, the intersection of all sets which possess the specified property and of which A is a subset.
  • Example - The orthogonal convex hull of an orthogonal polygon is the smallest orthogonally convex polygon that encloses the original polygon.
  • Definition - To drift; to be carried by the impetus of wind or water on the ship's hull alone, with sails furled.
  • Example - The orthogonal convex hull of an orthogonal polygon is the smallest orthogonally convex polygon that encloses the original polygon.
  • Definition - To hit (a ship) in the hull with cannon fire etc.
  • Example - The orthogonal convex hull of an orthogonal polygon is the smallest orthogonally convex polygon that encloses the original polygon.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
hulls 8
4 Letter Words
hull 7 lush 7 shul 7
2 Letter Words
sh 5 uh 5 us 2