• Definition - A Rhenish wine, of a light yellow color, either sparkling or still, from the Hochheim region; often applied to all Rhenish wines.
  • Definition - The tarsal joint of a digitigrade quadruped, such as a horse, pig or dog.
  • Definition - Meat from that part of a food animal.
  • Definition - To disable by cutting the tendons of the hock; to hamstring; to hough.
  • Definition - To leave with a pawnbroker as security for a loan.
  • Definition - To bother; to pester; to annoy incessantly
  • Definition - To cough heavily, esp. causing uvular frication.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
hocks 14 shock 14
4 Letter Words
hock 13 sock 10 cosh 9
3 Letter Words
och 8 kos 7 hos 6 ohs 6 sho 6 soh 6 cos 5 soc 5
2 Letter Words
ok 6 ho 5 oh 5 sh 5 os 2 so 2