• Definition - An instrument with steel pins used to comb out flax or hemp.
  • Definition - (usually now in the plural) One of the long, narrow feathers on the neck of birds, most noticeable on the rooster.
  • Definition - A feather used to make a fishing lure or a fishing lure incorporating a feather.
  • Definition - (usually now in the plural) By extension (because the hackles of a rooster are lifted when it is angry), the hair on the nape of the neck in dogs and other animals; also used figuratively for humans.
  • Example - When the dog got angry, his hackles rose and he growled.
  • Definition - A plate with rows of pointed needles used to blend or straighten hair.
  • Example - When the dog got angry, his hackles rose and he growled.
  • Definition - A feather plume on some soldier's uniforms, especially the hat or helmet.
  • Example - When the dog got angry, his hackles rose and he growled.
  • Synonyms - panache plume
  • Definition - Any flimsy substance unspun, such as raw silk.
  • Example - When the dog got angry, his hackles rose and he growled.
  • Definition - The long shining feathers on a cock's neck.
  • Example - When the dog got angry, his hackles rose and he growled.
  • Definition - A feather ornament in the full-dress bonnets of Highland regiments.
  • Example - When the dog got angry, his hackles rose and he growled.
  • Definition - To question harshly in an attempt to find or reveal weaknesses.
  • Example - When the dog got angry, his hackles rose and he growled.
  • Definition - To insult, tease, make fun of or badger.
  • Example - Promise that you won't heckle me after my performance.
  • Definition - To prepare flax for spinning using special combs called hackles
  • Example - Promise that you won't heckle me after my performance.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
heckle 15
5 Letter Words
cheek 14 cleek 11 leech 10
4 Letter Words
heck 13 eche 9 lech 9 keel 8 leek 8 leke 8 heel 7
3 Letter Words
eek 7 eke 7 elk 7 lek 7 cee 5 cel 5 eel 3 lee 3
2 Letter Words
eh 5 he 5 el 2