• Definition - The sky, specifically:
  • Definition - The abode of God or the gods, traditionally conceived as beyond the sky; especially:
  • Definition - The afterlife of the blessed dead, traditionally conceived as opposed to an afterlife of the wicked and unjust (compare hell); specifically:
  • Definition - (by extension) Any paradise; any blissful place or experience.
  • Definition - (by extension) A state of bliss; a peaceful ecstasy.
  • Definition - (with a modifier) Similarly blissful afterlives, places, or states for particular people, animals, or objects.
  • Definition - To transport to the abode of God, the gods, or the blessed.
  • Definition - To beatify, enchant, or please greatly.
  • Definition - To beautify, to make into a paradise.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
heaven 12
5 Letter Words
haven 11 heave 11 hevea 11 veena 8 venae 8
4 Letter Words
have 10 eave 7 even 7 haen 7 nave 7 neve 7 vane 7 vena 7
3 Letter Words
ave 6 eve 6 hae 6 hen 6 nah 6 nav 6 van 6 vee 6 ane 3 nae 3 nee 3
2 Letter Words
ah 5 eh 5 ha 5 he 5 ae 2 an 2 en 2 na 2 ne 2