• Definition - The chance of suffering harm; danger, peril, risk of loss.
  • Example - He encountered the enemy at the hazard of his reputation and life.
  • Definition - An obstacle or other feature which causes risk or danger; originally in sports, and now applied more generally.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - (in driving a vehicle) An obstacle or other feature that presents a risk or danger that justifies the driver in taking action to avoid it.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - A sand or water obstacle on a golf course.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - The act of potting a ball, whether the object ball (winning hazard) or the player's ball (losing hazard).
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - A game of chance played with dice, usually for monetary stakes; popular mainly from 14th c. to 19th c.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - Chance.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - Anything that is hazarded or risked, such as a stake in gambling.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - The side of the court into which the ball is served.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - A problem with the instruction pipeline in CPU microarchitectures when the next instruction cannot execute in the following clock cycle, potentially leading to incorrect results.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - To expose to chance; to take a risk.
  • Example - The video game involves guiding a character on a skateboard past all kinds of hazards.
  • Definition - To risk (something); to venture, to incur, or bring on.
  • Example - I'll hazard a guess.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
hazards 20
6 Letter Words
hazard 19 sradha 10
5 Letter Words
hards 9 shard 9 haars 8
4 Letter Words
dahs 8 dash 8 hard 8 shad 8 aahs 7 haar 7 rash 7 rads 5 sard 5
3 Letter Words
adz 13 zas 12 dah 7 had 7 aah 6 aha 6 ahs 6 ash 6 has 6 rah 6 sha 6 ads 4 das 4 rad 4 sad 4 aas 3 ars 3 ras 3
2 Letter Words
za 11 ah 5 ha 5 sh 5 ad 3 da 3 aa 2 ar 2 as 2