• Definition - (sometimes offensive) A member of the Romani people, or one of the sub-groups (Roma, Sinti, Romanichal, etc).
  • Definition - An itinerant person or any person, not necessarily Romani; a tinker, a traveller or a carny.
  • Definition - (sometimes offensive) A move in contra dancing in which two dancers walk in a circle around each other while maintaining eye contact (but not touching as in a swing). (Compare whole gyp, half gyp, and gypsy meltdown, in which this step precedes a swing.)
  • Definition - A member of a Broadway musical chorus line.
  • Definition - A person with a dark complexion.
  • Definition - A sly, roguish woman.
  • Definition - To roam around the country like a gypsy.
  • Definition - To perform the gypsy step in contra dancing.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
gipsy 11
4 Letter Words
gyps 10 yips 9 gips 7 pigs 7
3 Letter Words
gyp 9 spy 8 yip 8 gip 6 pig 6 pis 5 psi 5 sip 5 gis 4 sig 4
2 Letter Words
pi 4 gi 3 is 2 si 2