• Definition - To open the mouth wide, especially involuntarily, as in a yawn, anger, or surprise.
  • Definition - To stare in wonder.
  • Definition - To open wide; to display a gap.
  • Definition - Of a cat: to open the passage to the vomeronasal organ, analogous to the flehming in other animals.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
gaped 9 paged 9
4 Letter Words
aped 7 gape 7 page 7 peag 7 aged 6 egad 6 gaed 6
3 Letter Words
dap 6 dep 6 gap 6 pad 6 ped 6 peg 6 ape 5 dag 5 gad 5 ged 5 pea 5 age 4 gae 4
2 Letter Words
pa 4 pe 4 ad 3 ag 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2