• Definition - A playful or competitive activity.
  • Definition - A video game.
  • Definition - (nearly always singular) A field of gainful activity, as an industry or profession.
  • Example - He's in the securities game somehow.
  • Definition - Something that resembles a game with rules, despite not being designed.
  • Example - In the game of life, you may find yourself playing the waiting game far too often.
  • Definition - An exercise simulating warfare, whether computerized or involving human participants.
  • Example - In the game of life, you may find yourself playing the waiting game far too often.
  • Definition - Wild animals hunted for food.
  • Example - The forest has plenty of game.
  • Definition - (used mostly of males) The ability to seduce someone, usually by strategy.
  • Example - He didn't get anywhere with her because he had no game.
  • Definition - Mastery; the ability to excel at something.
  • Example - He didn't get anywhere with her because he had no game.
  • Definition - A questionable or unethical practice in pursuit of a goal; a scheme.
  • Example - You want to borrow my credit card for a week? What's your game?
  • Definition - To gamble.
  • Example - You want to borrow my credit card for a week? What's your game?
  • Definition - To play card games, board games, or video games.
  • Example - You want to borrow my credit card for a week? What's your game?
  • Definition - To exploit loopholes in a system or bureaucracy in a way which defeats or nullifies the spirit of the rules in effect, usually to obtain a result which otherwise would be unobtainable.
  • Example - We'll bury them in paperwork, and game the system.
  • Definition - (of males) To perform premeditated seduction strategy.
  • Example - We'll bury them in paperwork, and game the system.
  • Definition - Willing to participate.
  • Example - We'll bury them in paperwork, and game the system.
  • Definition - (of an animal) That shows a tendency to continue to fight against another animal, despite being wounded, often severely.
  • Example - We'll bury them in paperwork, and game the system.
  • Definition - Persistent, especially in senses similar to the above.
  • Example - We'll bury them in paperwork, and game the system.
  • Definition - Injured, lame (of a limb).
  • Example - We'll bury them in paperwork, and game the system.
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
game 7 mage 7 mega 7
3 Letter Words
gam 6 gem 6 mag 6 meg 6 mae 5 age 4 gae 4
2 Letter Words
am 4 em 4 ma 4 me 4 ag 3 ae 2