• Definition - The interior bottom or surface of a house or building; the supporting surface of a room.
  • Example - The room has a wooden floor.
  • Definition - Ground (surface of the Earth, as opposed to the sky or water or underground).
  • Example - The room has a wooden floor.
  • Definition - The lower inside surface of a hollow space.
  • Example - Many sunken ships rest on the ocean floor.
  • Definition - A structure formed of beams, girders, etc, with proper covering, which divides a building horizontally into storeys/stories.
  • Example - Many sunken ships rest on the ocean floor.
  • Definition - The supporting surface or platform of a structure such as a bridge.
  • Example - Wooden planks of the old bridge's floor were nearly rotten.
  • Definition - A storey/story of a building.
  • Example - For years we lived on the third floor.
  • Definition - In a parliament, the part of the house assigned to the members, as opposed to the viewing gallery.
  • Example - For years we lived on the third floor.
  • Definition - Hence, the right to speak at a given time during a debate or other public event.
  • Example - The mayor often gives a lobbyist the floor.
  • Definition - That part of the bottom of a vessel on each side of the keelson which is most nearly horizontal.
  • Example - The mayor often gives a lobbyist the floor.
  • Definition - The rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit.
  • Example - The mayor often gives a lobbyist the floor.
  • Definition - A horizontal, flat ore body.
  • Example - The mayor often gives a lobbyist the floor.
  • Definition - The largest integer less than or equal to a given number.
  • Example - The floor of 4.5 is 4.
  • Definition - An event performed on a floor-like carpeted surface.
  • Example - The floor of 4.5 is 4.
  • Definition - A floor-like carpeted surface for performing gymnastic movements.
  • Example - The floor of 4.5 is 4.
  • Definition - A lower limit on the interest rate payable on an otherwise variable-rate loan, used by lenders to defend against falls in interest rates. Opposite of a cap.
  • Example - The floor of 4.5 is 4.
  • Definition - A dance floor.
  • Example - The floor of 4.5 is 4.
  • Definition - The area in which business is conducted at a convention or exhibition
  • Example - The floor of 4.5 is 4.
  • Definition - To cover or furnish with a floor.
  • Example - floor a house with pine boards
  • Definition - To strike down or lay level with the floor; to knock down.
  • Example - floor a house with pine boards
  • Definition - (driving) To accelerate rapidly.
  • Example - As soon as our driver saw an insurgent in a car holding a detonation device, he floored the pedal and was 2,000 feet away when that car bomb exploded. We escaped certain death in the nick of time!
  • Definition - To silence by a conclusive answer or retort.
  • Example - Floored or crushed by him. — Coleridge
  • Definition - To amaze or greatly surprise.
  • Example - We were floored by his confession.
  • Definition - To finish or make an end of.
  • Example - I've floored my little-go work — ed Hughes
  • Definition - To set a lower bound.
  • Example - I've floored my little-go work — ed Hughes
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
floors 9
5 Letter Words
floor 8 fools 8 loofs 8 rolfs 8 roofs 8
4 Letter Words
fool 7 foos 7 loof 7 rolf 7 roof 7 loos 4 roos 4 solo 4
3 Letter Words
foo 6 for 6 fro 6 oof 6 loo 3 lor 3 ors 3 roo 3 sol 3
2 Letter Words
of 5 lo 2 or 2 os 2 so 2