• Definition - In marine mammals such as whales, a wide flat limb, adapted for swimming.
  • Definition - A flat, wide, paddle-like rubber covering for the foot, used in swimming.
  • Definition - A flat lever in a pinball machine, triggered by the player to strike the ball and keep it in play.
  • Definition - A small flat used to support a larger one.
  • Definition - A type of ball bowled by a leg spin bowler, which spins backwards and skids off the pitch with a low bounce.
  • Definition - Television remote control, clicker.
  • Definition - The hand.
  • Definition - A kind of false tooth, usually temporary.
  • Definition - A kitchen spatula.
  • Definition - Someone who flips, in the sense of buying a house or other asset and selling it quickly for profit.
  • Definition - Someone who flips in any other sense, for example throwing a coin.
  • Definition - To lift one or both flippers out of the water and slap the surface of the water.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
flipper 14
6 Letter Words
fipple 13 pilfer 11 lipper 10 ripple 10
5 Letter Words
piper 9 filer 8 flier 8 lifer 8 rifle 8 peril 7 plier 7
4 Letter Words
flip 9 pelf 9 perp 8 pipe 8 prep 8 repp 8 file 7 fire 7 flir 7 lief 7 life 7 reif 7 rife 7 lipe 6 peri 6 pier 6 pile 6 plie 6 ripe 6 lier 4 lire 4 riel 4 rile 4
3 Letter Words
pep 7 pip 7 elf 6 fer 6 fie 6 fil 6 fir 6 ref 6 rif 6 lip 5 per 5 pie 5 rep 5 rip 5 ire 3 lei 3 lie 3 rei 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fe 5 if 5 pe 4 pi 4 el 2 er 2 li 2 re 2