• Definition - A tool used for threshing, consisting of a long handle with a shorter stick attached with a short piece of chain, thong or similar material.
  • Definition - A weapon which has the (usually spherical) striking part attached to the handle with a flexible joint such as a chain.
  • Definition - To beat using a flail or similar implement.
  • Definition - To wave or swing vigorously
  • Definition - To thresh.
  • Definition - To move like a flail.
  • Example - He was flailing wildly, but didn't land a blow.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
flail 8
4 Letter Words
alif 7 fail 7 fall 7 fila 7 fill 7
3 Letter Words
fil 6 ail 3 all 3 ill 3
2 Letter Words
fa 5 if 5 ai 2 al 2 la 2 li 2