• Definition - An exposed plumbing fitting; a tap or spigot; a regulator for controlling the flow of a liquid from a reservoir.
  • Definition - (game development) One or several systems that inject currency into the game's economy, thus controlling or preventing inflation
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
faucet 11
5 Letter Words
facet 10 acute 7
4 Letter Words
cafe 9 face 9 fact 9 fate 7 feat 7 feta 7 tufa 7 cate 6 cute 6 tace 6
3 Letter Words
caf 8 aft 6 eft 6 fat 6 fet 6 feu 6 ace 5 act 5 cat 5 cue 5 cut 5 ecu 5 tec 5 ate 3 eat 3 eau 3 eta 3 tae 3 tau 3 tea 3 uta 3 ute 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fa 5 fe 5 ae 2 at 2 et 2 ta 2 te 2 ut 2