• Definition - A wide band of material covering the ends of roof rafters, sometimes supporting a gutter in steep-slope roofing, but typically it is a border or trim in low-slope roofing.
  • Definition - A face or front cover of an appliance, especially of a mobile phone.
  • Definition - A dashboard.
  • Definition - A flat band or broad fillet; especially, one of the three bands that make up the architrave, in the Ionic order.
  • Definition - A broad well-defined band of color.
  • Definition - A band, sash, or fillet; especially, in surgery, a bandage or roller.
  • Definition - A sash worn by certain members of the Catholic and Anglican churches.
  • Definition - The layer of loose tissue, often containing fat, immediately beneath the skin; the stronger layer of connective tissue covering and investing all muscles; an aponeurosis.
  • Definition - The signboard above a shop or other location open to the public.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
fasciae 12
6 Letter Words
faciae 11 facias 11 facies 11 fascia 11
5 Letter Words
cafes 10 faces 10 facia 10 fices 10 acais 7 aecia 7 saice 7
4 Letter Words
cafe 9 cafs 9 face 9 fice 9 fisc 9 safe 7 seif 7 acai 6 aces 6 asci 6 casa 6 case 6 ices 6 sice 6 asea 4
3 Letter Words
caf 8 efs 6 fas 6 fes 6 fie 6 ifs 6 ace 5 cis 5 ice 5 sac 5 sec 5 sic 5 aas 3 ais 3 sae 3 sea 3 sei 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fa 5 fe 5 if 5 aa 2 ae 2 ai 2 as 2 es 2 is 2 si 2