• Definition - A spending or consuming, often a disbursement of funds.
  • Example - Buying the car was a big expense, but will be worth it in the long run.
  • Definition - The elimination or consumption of something, sometimes with the notion of loss or damage to the thing eliminated.
  • Example - Jones reached the final at the expense of Smith, who couldn't beat him.
  • Definition - Loss.
  • Example - Jones reached the final at the expense of Smith, who couldn't beat him.
  • Definition - To charge a cost against an expense account; to bill something to the company for which one works.
  • Example - It should be acceptable to expense a business lunch with a client.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
expense 16
6 Letter Words
pensee 8
5 Letter Words
epees 7 neeps 7 peens 7 penes 7
4 Letter Words
exes 11 epee 6 neep 6 peen 6 pees 6 pens 6 seep 6 esne 4 seen 4 sene 4
3 Letter Words
sex 10 pee 5 pen 5 pes 5 ens 3 nee 3 see 3 sen 3
2 Letter Words
ex 9 pe 4 en 2 es 2 ne 2