• Definition - The collective property and liabilities of someone, especially a deceased person.
  • Definition - State; condition.
  • Definition - Status, rank.
  • Definition - The condition of one's fortunes; prosperity, possessions.
  • Definition - A "person of estate"; a nobleman or noblewoman.
  • Definition - A major social class or order of persons regarded collectively as part of the body politic of the country and formerly possessing distinct political rights (Estates of the realm).
  • Definition - The nature and extent of a person's interest in, or ownership of, land.
  • Definition - An (especially extensive) area of land, under a single ownership.
  • Definition - The landed property owned or controlled by a government or a department of government.
  • Definition - (sometimes derogatory) A housing estate.
  • Definition - A station wagon; a car with a tailgate (or liftgate) and storage space to the rear of the seating which is coterminous with the passenger compartment (and often extensible into that compartment via folding or removable seating).
  • Definition - The state; the general body politic; the common-wealth; the general interest; state affairs.
  • Definition - To give an estate to.
  • Definition - To bestow upon.
  • Definition - (jewelry) Previously owned; secondhand.
  • Example - an estate diamond; estate jewelry
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
estate 6 testae 6
5 Letter Words
setae 5 state 5 taste 5 tates 5 tease 5 teats 5 testa 5
4 Letter Words
ates 4 ease 4 east 4 eats 4 etas 4 sate 4 seat 4 seta 4 sett 4 stat 4 stet 4 tase 4 tate 4 tats 4 teas 4 teat 4 tees 4 test 4 tets 4
3 Letter Words
ate 3 att 3 eat 3 est 3 eta 3 sae 3 sat 3 sea 3 see 3 set 3 tae 3 tas 3 tat 3 tea 3 tee 3 tes 3 tet 3
2 Letter Words
ae 2 as 2 at 2 es 2 et 2 ta 2 te 2