• Definition - To erase (as anything impressed or inscribed upon a surface); to render illegible or indiscernible.
  • Example - Do not efface what I've written on the chalkboard.
  • Definition - To cause to disappear as if by rubbing out or striking out.
  • Example - Some people like to efface their own memories with alcohol.
  • Definition - To make oneself inobtrusive as if due to modesty or diffidence.
  • Example - Many people seem shy, but they really just efface for meekness.
  • Definition - Of the cervix during pregnancy, to thin and stretch in preparation for labor.
  • Example - Some females efface 75% by the 39th week of pregnancy.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
efface 14
4 Letter Words
caff 12 cafe 9 face 9
3 Letter Words
aff 9 eff 9 caf 8 fee 6 ace 5 cee 5
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fa 5 fe 5 ae 2