• Definition - A garment to keep the ears warm.
  • Definition - A garment or part worn over a single ear.
  • Definition - A sound-deadening cup or a pair of such cups worn over the ear or ears.
  • Definition - Objects designed to cover a person's ears for protection against cold or noise. They consist of a thermoplastic or metal head-band, that fits over the top of the head, and a pad at each end, to cover the external ears.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
earmuff 15
5 Letter Words
ruffe 11 femur 10 frame 10 fumer 10 feuar 8
4 Letter Words
muff 12 raff 10 ruff 10 fame 9 farm 9 fume 9 fare 7 fear 7 frae 7 arum 6 mare 6 mura 6 mure 6 ream 6 urea 4
3 Letter Words
aff 9 eff 9 fem 8 arf 6 far 6 fer 6 feu 6 fur 6 ref 6 amu 5 arm 5 emu 5 mae 5 mar 5 ram 5 rem 5 rum 5 are 3 ear 3 eau 3 era 3 rue 3
2 Letter Words
ef 5 fa 5 fe 5 am 4 em 4 ma 4 me 4 mu 4 um 4 ae 2 ar 2 er 2 re 2