• Definition - A type of loaded walk in which the sportsman squats somewhat and steps forward or backward with his knees alternatingly while optionally carrying a dumbbell or kettlebell on each side or a kettlebell or cupped dumbbell between the legs.
  • Definition - A means of acceleration, moving with each foot turned 45 degrees from the forward position.
  • Definition - (preceded by definite article) A dance or dance move, popularised in the 1950s by Chuck Berry, in which the dancer steps forwards crouching on bended knees while keeping the back straight and head erect.
  • Definition - To jump on one leg while moving the other back and forth, a motion sometimes employed by guitar players in popular music.
  • Definition - To walk while squatting.
Words in your word
8 Letter Words
duckwalk 22
5 Letter Words
kulak 13 caulk 11 cauld 8 ducal 8
4 Letter Words
wack 13 dawk 12 duck 11 walk 11 wauk 11 calk 10 lack 10 luck 10 claw 9 clad 7 waul 7 caul 6 auld 5 dual 5 laud 5
3 Letter Words
caw 8 dak 8 auk 7 daw 7 wad 7 wud 7 awl 6 cad 6 cud 6 law 6 cal 5 lac 5 dal 4 lad 4 lud 4
2 Letter Words
ka 6 aw 5 ad 3 da 3 al 2 la 2