• Definition - A substance used to treat an illness, relieve a symptom, or modify a chemical process in the body for a specific purpose.
  • Example - Aspirin is a drug that reduces pain, acts against inflammation and lowers body temperature.
  • Definition - A psychoactive substance, especially one which is illegal and addictive, ingested for recreational use, such as cocaine.
  • Example - Aspirin is a drug that reduces pain, acts against inflammation and lowers body temperature.
  • Definition - Anything, such as a substance, emotion or action, to which one is addicted.
  • Example - 2010, Kesha Rose Sebert (Ke$ha), with Pebe Sebert and Joshua Coleman (Ammo), Your Love is My Drug
  • Definition - Any commodity that lies on hand, or is not salable; an article of slow sale, or in no demand.
  • Example - 2010, Kesha Rose Sebert (Ke$ha), with Pebe Sebert and Joshua Coleman (Ammo), Your Love is My Drug
  • Definition - To administer intoxicating drugs to, generally without the recipient's knowledge or consent.
  • Example - She suddenly felt strange, and only then realized she'd been drugged.
  • Definition - To add intoxicating drugs to with the intention of drugging someone.
  • Example - She suddenly felt strange. She realized her drink must have been drugged.
  • Definition - To prescribe or administer drugs or medicines.
  • Example - She suddenly felt strange. She realized her drink must have been drugged.
  • Definition - A drudge.
  • Example - She suddenly felt strange. She realized her drink must have been drugged.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
drugs 7
4 Letter Words
drug 6 dugs 6 rugs 5 surd 5 urds 5
3 Letter Words
dug 5 rug 4 urd 4
2 Letter Words
us 2