• Definition - To die from suffocation while immersed in water or other fluid.
  • Definition - To kill by suffocating in water or another liquid.
  • Definition - To be flooded: to be inundated with or submerged in (literally) water or (figuratively) other things; to be overwhelmed.
  • Definition - To inundate, submerge, overwhelm.
  • Definition - (usually passive) To obscure, particularly amid an overwhelming volume of other items.
  • Example - The answers intelligence services seek are often drowned in the flood of information they can now gather.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
drown 9
4 Letter Words
down 8 word 8 worn 7
3 Letter Words
dow 7 now 6 own 6 row 6 won 6 don 4 dor 4 nod 4 rod 4 nor 3
2 Letter Words
ow 5 wo 5 do 3 od 3 no 2 on 2 or 2