• Definition - A drop of a liquid.
  • Example - I put a drip of vanilla extract in my hot cocoa.
  • Definition - A falling or letting fall in drops; act of dripping.
  • Example - I put a drip of vanilla extract in my hot cocoa.
  • Definition - An apparatus that slowly releases a liquid, especially one that intravenously releases drugs into a patient's bloodstream.
  • Example - He's not doing so well. The doctors have put him on a drip.
  • Definition - A limp, ineffectual, or uninteresting person.
  • Example - He couldn't even summon up the courage to ask her name... what a drip!
  • Definition - That part of a cornice, sill course, or other horizontal member, which projects beyond the rest, and has a section designed to throw off rainwater.
  • Example - He couldn't even summon up the courage to ask her name... what a drip!
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
drips 8
4 Letter Words
dips 7 drip 7 rips 6 rids 5
3 Letter Words
dip 6 pis 5 psi 5 rip 5 sip 5 dis 4 ids 4 rid 4 sir 3 sri 3
2 Letter Words
pi 4 id 3 is 2 si 2