• Definition - A way of speaking slowly while lengthening vowel sounds and running words together. Characteristic of some southern US accents, as well as Scots.
  • Definition - To drag on slowly and heavily; to while or dawdle away time indolently.
  • Definition - To utter or pronounce in a dull, spiritless tone, as if by dragging out the utterance.
  • Definition - To move slowly and heavily; move in a dull, slow, lazy manner.
  • Definition - To speak with a slow, spiritless utterance, from affectation, laziness, or lack of interest.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
drawls 10
5 Letter Words
drawl 9 draws 9 sward 9 wards 9 lards 6
4 Letter Words
daws 8 draw 8 wads 8 ward 8 awls 7 laws 7 raws 7 slaw 7 wars 7 dals 5 lads 5 lard 5 rads 5 sard 5 lars 4
3 Letter Words
daw 7 wad 7 awl 6 law 6 raw 6 saw 6 war 6 was 6 ads 4 dal 4 das 4 lad 4 rad 4 sad 4 als 3 ars 3 lar 3 las 3 ras 3 sal 3
2 Letter Words
aw 5 ad 3 da 3 al 2 ar 2 as 2 la 2