• Definition - The back of the tongue, used for articulating dorsal consonants.
  • Definition - The top of the foot or the back of the hand.
  • Definition - The back or dorsal region on the surface of an animal.
  • Definition - (astrogeology) A ridge on a hill, or on the surface of a planet or moon.
  • Definition - Theta Capricorni, a star on the back of the Goat
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
dorsa 6 roads 6 sarod 6
4 Letter Words
ados 5 dors 5 dosa 5 odas 5 orad 5 rads 5 road 5 rods 5 sard 5 soda 5 sord 5 oars 4 osar 4 soar 4 sora 4
3 Letter Words
ado 4 ads 4 das 4 dor 4 dos 4 oda 4 ods 4 rad 4 rod 4 sad 4 sod 4 ars 3 oar 3 ora 3 ors 3 ras 3
2 Letter Words
ad 3 da 3 do 3 od 3 ar 2 as 2 or 2 os 2 so 2