• Definition - A portal of entry into a building, room, or vehicle, consisting of a rigid plane movable on a hinge. Doors are frequently made of wood or metal. May have a handle to help open and close, a latch to hold the door closed and a lock that ensures the door cannot be opened without the key.
  • Example - I knocked on the vice president's door
  • Definition - Any flap, etc. that opens like a door.
  • Example - the 24 doors in an Advent calendar
  • Definition - (immigration) An entry point.
  • Example - the 24 doors in an Advent calendar
  • Definition - A means of approach or access.
  • Example - Learning is the door to wisdom.
  • Definition - A barrier.
  • Example - Keep a door on your anger.
  • Definition - A software mechanism by which a user can interact with a program running remotely on a bulletin board system. See BBS door.
  • Example - Keep a door on your anger.
  • Definition - To cause a collision by opening the door of a vehicle in front of an oncoming cyclist or pedestrian.
  • Example - Keep a door on your anger.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
doors 6 odors 6 ordos 6 roods 6
4 Letter Words
door 5 dors 5 odor 5 ordo 5 rods 5 rood 5 sord 5 roos 4
3 Letter Words
dor 4 dos 4 ods 4 rod 4 sod 4 ors 3 roo 3
2 Letter Words
do 3 od 3 or 2 os 2 so 2