• Definition - A vessel such as a plate for holding or serving food, often flat with a depressed region in the middle.
  • Definition - The contents of such a vessel.
  • Example - a dish of stew
  • Definition - (metonym) A specific type of prepared food.
  • Example - a vegetable dish
  • Definition - (in the plural) Tableware (including cutlery, etc, as well as crockery) that is to be or is being washed after being used to prepare, serve and eat a meal.
  • Example - It's your turn to wash the dishes.
  • Definition - A type of antenna with a similar shape to a plate or bowl.
  • Example - radar dish
  • Definition - A sexually attractive person.
  • Example - radar dish
  • Definition - The state of being concave, like a dish, or the degree of such concavity.
  • Example - the dish of a wheel
  • Definition - A hollow place, as in a field.
  • Example - the dish of a wheel
  • Definition - A trough in which ore is measured.
  • Example - the dish of a wheel
  • Definition - That portion of the produce of a mine which is paid to the land owner or proprietor.
  • Example - the dish of a wheel
  • Definition - Gossip
  • Example - the dish of a wheel
  • Definition - To put in a dish or dishes; serve, usually food.
  • Example - The restaurant dished up a delicious Italian brunch.
  • Definition - To gossip; to relay information about the personal situation of another.
  • Example - The restaurant dished up a delicious Italian brunch.
  • Definition - To make concave, or depress in the middle, like a dish.
  • Example - to dish a wheel by inclining the spokes
  • Definition - To frustrate; to beat; to outwit or defeat.
  • Example - to dish a wheel by inclining the spokes
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
dish 8 sidh 8
3 Letter Words
hid 7 his 6 dis 4 ids 4
2 Letter Words
hi 5 sh 5 id 3 is 2 si 2