• Definition - A genre of dance music that was popular in the 1970s, characterized by elements of soul music with a strong Latin-American beat and often accompanied by pulsating lights.
  • Definition - To dance disco-style dances.
  • Definition - To go to discotheques.
  • Definition - (slightly obsolete) A nightclub where dancing takes place.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
disco 8 sodic 8
4 Letter Words
cods 7 disc 7 docs 7 odic 7
3 Letter Words
cod 6 doc 6 cis 5 cos 5 sic 5 soc 5 dis 4 dos 4 ids 4 ods 4 sod 4
2 Letter Words
do 3 id 3 od 3 is 2 oi 2 os 2 si 2 so 2