• Definition - To lower into a liquid.
  • Example - Dip your biscuit into your tea.
  • Definition - To immerse oneself; to become plunged in a liquid; to sink.
  • Example - Dip your biscuit into your tea.
  • Definition - (of a value or rate) To decrease slightly.
  • Example - Dip your biscuit into your tea.
  • Definition - To lower a light's beam.
  • Example - Dip your lights as you meet an oncoming car.
  • Definition - To lower (a flag), particularly a national ensign, to a partially hoisted position in order to render or to return a salute. While lowered, the flag is said to be “at the dip.” A flag being carried on a staff may be dipped by leaning it forward at an approximate angle of 45 degrees.
  • Example - “The sailor rushed to the flag hoist to dip the flag in return.”
  • Definition - To treat cattle or sheep by immersion in chemical solution.
  • Example - The farmer is going to dip the cattle today.
  • Definition - To use a dip stick to check oil level in an engine.
  • Example - The farmer is going to dip the cattle today.
  • Definition - To consume snuff by placing a pinch behind the lip or under the tongue so that the active chemical constituents of the snuff may be absorbed into the system for their narcotic effect.
  • Example - The farmer is going to dip the cattle today.
  • Definition - To immerse for baptism.
  • Example - The farmer is going to dip the cattle today.
  • Definition - To wet, as if by immersing; to moisten.
  • Example - The farmer is going to dip the cattle today.
  • Definition - To plunge or engage thoroughly in any affair.
  • Example - The farmer is going to dip the cattle today.
  • Definition - To take out, by dipping a dipper, ladle, or other receptacle, into a fluid and removing a part; often with out.
  • Example - to dip water from a boiler; to dip out water
  • Definition - To perform the action of plunging a dipper, ladle. etc. into a liquid or soft substance and removing a part.
  • Example - to dip water from a boiler; to dip out water
  • Definition - To engage as a pledge; to mortgage.
  • Example - to dip water from a boiler; to dip out water
  • Definition - To perform (a bow or curtsey) by inclining the body.
  • Example - to dip water from a boiler; to dip out water
  • Definition - To incline downward from the plane of the horizon.
  • Example - Strata of rock dip.
  • Definition - To perform a dip dance move (often phrased with the leader as the subject noun and the follower as the subject noun being dipped)
  • Example - Strata of rock dip.
  • Definition - To lower the body by bending the knees while keeping the body in an upright position, as in movement to the rhythm of music.
  • Example - Strata of rock dip.
  • Definition - To leave.
  • Example - He dipped out of the room so fast.
  • Definition - To miss out on seeing a sought after bird.
  • Example - He dipped out of the room so fast.
  • Definition - That has been briefly immersed in a liquid.
  • Example - He dipped out of the room so fast.
  • Definition - Of headlights: lowered.
  • Example - He dipped out of the room so fast.
  • Definition - Caught up in debt; mortgaged.
  • Example - He dipped out of the room so fast.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
dipped 12
5 Letter Words
piped 10
4 Letter Words
pipe 8 pied 7 died 6
3 Letter Words
pep 7 pip 7 dep 6 dip 6 ped 6 did 5 pie 5 die 4
2 Letter Words
pe 4 pi 4 de 3 ed 3 id 3