• Definition - A period of time before an event occurs; the act of delaying; procrastination; lingering inactivity.
  • Example - the delay before the echo of a sound
  • Definition - An audio effects unit that introduces a controlled delay.
  • Example - the delay before the echo of a sound
  • Definition - To put off until a later time; to defer.
  • Example - the delay before the echo of a sound
  • Definition - To retard; to stop, detain, or hinder, for a time.
  • Example - The mail is delayed by a heavy fall of snow.
  • Definition - To allay; to temper.
  • Example - The mail is delayed by a heavy fall of snow.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
delay 9 layed 9 leady 9
4 Letter Words
lady 8 yald 8 yeld 8 dale 5 deal 5 lade 5 lead 5
3 Letter Words
day 7 dey 7 dye 7 aye 6 lay 6 ley 6 lye 6 yea 6 dal 4 del 4 eld 4 lad 4 led 4 ale 3 lea 3
2 Letter Words
ay 5 ya 5 ye 5 ad 3 da 3 de 3 ed 3 ae 2 al 2 el 2 la 2