• Definition - To make deep or deeper
  • Example - They deepened the well by 200 feet.
  • Definition - To make darker or more intense; to darken
  • Example - The event deepened the prevailing gloom.
  • Definition - To make more poignant or affecting; to increase in degree
  • Example - News of her death deepened my sorrow.
  • Definition - To make lower in tone
  • Example - The tuner deepened the tone of the organ.
  • Definition - To make more thorough or extensive.
  • Example - The class deepened my understanding of the subject.
  • Definition - To make more intimate.
  • Example - The shared experiences deepened our relationship.
  • Definition - To make more sound or heavy.
  • Example - The hypnotist then proceeded to deepen his trance.
  • Definition - To become deeper
  • Example - The water deepens as you go toward the middle of the channel.
  • Definition - To become darker or more intense
  • Example - The crisis deepened in the following weeks.
  • Definition - To become lower in tone
  • Example - His voice deepened with age.
  • Definition - To become more thorough or extensive.
  • Example - His skill in deciphering the texts deepened with practice.
  • Definition - To become more intimate.
  • Example - The conversation deepened and they began to truly share.
  • Definition - To become more sound or heavy.
  • Example - The new bed allowed my sleep to deepen.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
deepen 9 peened 9
4 Letter Words
deep 7 peed 7 pend 7 epee 6 neep 6 peen 6 dene 5 need 5
3 Letter Words
dep 6 ped 6 pee 5 pen 5 dee 4 den 4 end 4 nee 3
2 Letter Words
pe 4 de 3 ed 3 en 2 ne 2