• Definition - Excrement or clay used as a bonding material in construction.
  • Definition - A soft coating of mud, plaster etc.
  • Definition - A crude or amateurish painting.
  • Definition - To apply (something) to a surface in hasty or crude strokes.
  • Example - The artist just seemed to daub on paint at random and suddenly there was a painting.
  • Synonyms - apply coat cover plaster smear
  • Definition - To paint (a picture, etc.) in a coarse or unskilful manner.
  • Example - The artist just seemed to daub on paint at random and suddenly there was a painting.
  • Definition - To cover with a specious or deceitful exterior; to disguise; to conceal.
  • Example - The artist just seemed to daub on paint at random and suddenly there was a painting.
  • Definition - To flatter excessively or grossly.
  • Example - The artist just seemed to daub on paint at random and suddenly there was a painting.
  • Definition - To put on without taste; to deck gaudily.
  • Example - The artist just seemed to daub on paint at random and suddenly there was a painting.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
bauds 8 daubs 8
4 Letter Words
bads 7 baud 7 buds 7 dabs 7 daub 7 dubs 7 suba 6
3 Letter Words
bad 6 bud 6 dab 6 dub 6 abs 5 bas 5 bus 5 sab 5 sub 5 ads 4 das 4 sad 4 sau 3
2 Letter Words
ab 4 ba 4 ad 3 da 3 as 2 us 2