• Definition - A pointed missile weapon, intended to be thrown by the hand, for example a short lance or javelin
  • Definition - Any sharp-pointed missile weapon, such as an arrow.
  • Definition - (sometimes figurative) Anything resembling such a missile; something that pierces or wounds like such a weapon.
  • Definition - A small object with a pointed tip at one end and feathers at the other, which is thrown at a target in the game of darts.
  • Definition - A dart-shaped target towed behind an aircraft to train shooters.
  • Definition - A plan or scheme.
  • Definition - A sudden or fast movement.
  • Definition - A fold that is stitched on a garment.
  • Definition - A fish, the dace.
  • Definition - A cigarette.
  • Definition - To throw with a sudden effort or thrust; to hurl or launch.
  • Definition - To send forth suddenly or rapidly; to emit; to shoot
  • Example - The sun darts forth his beams.
  • Definition - To shoot with a dart, especially a tranquilizer dart
  • Example - They had to dart the animal to get close enough to help
  • Definition - To fly or pass swiftly, like a dart; to move rapidly in one direction; to shoot out quickly
  • Example - The flying man darted eastward.
  • Definition - To start and run with speed; to shoot rapidly along
  • Example - The deer darted from the thicket.
  • Definition - (games) A game or sport in which darts are thrown at a board, and points are scored depending on where the darts land
  • Example - The deer darted from the thicket.
Words in your word
5 Letter Words
darts 6 drats 6 trads 6
4 Letter Words
dart 5 drat 5 rads 5 sard 5 tads 5 trad 5 arts 4 rats 4 star 4 tars 4 tsar 4
3 Letter Words
ads 4 das 4 rad 4 sad 4 tad 4 ars 3 art 3 ras 3 rat 3 sat 3 tar 3 tas 3
2 Letter Words
ad 3 da 3 ar 2 as 2 at 2 ta 2