• Definition - A hanging end or shred, in particular a long pointed strip of cloth at the edge of a piece of clothing, or one of a row of decorative strips of cloth that may ornament a tent, booth or fairground.
  • Definition - A dangling lock of sheep’s wool matted with dung.
  • Definition - To shear the hindquarters of a sheep in order to remove dags or prevent their formation.
  • Definition - To daggle or bemire.
  • Definition - A skewer.
  • Definition - A spit, a sharpened rod used for roasting food over a fire.
  • Definition - A dagger; a poniard.
  • Definition - A kind of large pistol.
  • Definition - The unbranched antler of a young deer.
  • Definition - To skewer food, for roasting over a fire
  • Definition - To cut or slash the edge of a garment into dags
  • Definition - One who dresses unfashionably or without apparent care about appearance.
  • Definition - A directed acyclic graph; an ordered pair (V, E) such that E is a subset of some partial ordering relation on V.
  • Definition - A misty shower; dew.
  • Definition - To be misty; to drizzle.
  • Definition - A mammal, Canis familiaris or Canis lupus familiaris, that has been domesticated for thousands of years, of highly variable appearance due to human breeding.
  • Example - The dog barked all night long.
  • Definition - Any member of the Family Canidae, including domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, and their relatives (extant and extinct); canid.
  • Example - The dog barked all night long.
  • Definition - A male dog, wolf or fox, as opposed to a bitch or vixen.
  • Example - The dog barked all night long.
  • Definition - A dull, unattractive girl or woman.
  • Example - She’s a real dog.
  • Definition - A man (derived from definition 2).
  • Example - He's a silly dog.
  • Definition - A coward.
  • Example - Come back and fight, you dogs!
  • Definition - Someone who is morally reprehensible.
  • Example - You dirty dog.
  • Definition - A sexually aggressive man (cf. horny).
  • Example - You dirty dog.
  • Definition - Any of various mechanical devices for holding, gripping, or fastening something, particularly with a tooth-like projection.
  • Example - You dirty dog.
  • Definition - A click or pallet adapted to engage the teeth of a ratchet-wheel, to restrain the back action; a click or pawl. (See also: ratchet, windlass)
  • Example - You dirty dog.
  • Definition - A metal support for logs in a fireplace.
  • Example - The dogs were too hot to touch.
  • Definition - The eighteenth Lenormand card.
  • Example - The dogs were too hot to touch.
  • Definition - A hot dog.
  • Example - The dogs were too hot to touch.
  • Definition - Underdog.
  • Example - The dogs were too hot to touch.
  • Definition - (almost always in the plural) Foot.
  • Example - The dogs were too hot to touch.
  • Definition - (from "dog and bone") Phone or mobile phone.
  • Example - My dog is dead.
  • Definition - One of the cones used to divide up a racetrack when training horses.
  • Example - My dog is dead.
  • Definition - A flop; a film that performs poorly at the box office.
  • Example - My dog is dead.
  • Definition - Meat from a dog eaten as food.
  • Example - We visited South Korea this time around, where we ate dog meat for the first time.
  • Definition - Meat prepared to be given to a dog as food.
  • Example - We visited South Korea this time around, where we ate dog meat for the first time.
  • Definition - An insult intended to assert hyperbolically that another person has value only as a corpse to be fed to a dog.
  • Example - Did you just step on my blue suede shoes? You're dog meat now!
Words in your word
4 Letter Words
dags 6 gads 6
3 Letter Words
dag 5 gad 5 ads 4 ags 4 das 4 gas 4 sad 4 sag 4
2 Letter Words
ad 3 ag 3 da 3 as 2