• Definition - The point at which something terminates or to which it is limited.
  • Definition - A road, path or channel that provides a shorter or quicker path; a shortcut.
  • Definition - A device that stops the flow of a current.
  • Definition - A device for saving steam by regulating its admission to the cylinder (see quotation at cut-off).
  • Definition - A cessation in a flow or activity.
  • Definition - The player who acts directly before the player on the button pre-flop.
  • Definition - (chiefly in the plural) shorts made by cutting off the legs from trousers
  • Definition - A horizontal line separating sections of the page.
Words in your word
7 Letter Words
cutoffs 15 offcuts 15
6 Letter Words
cutoff 14 offcut 14
5 Letter Words
coffs 13 cuffs 13 scoff 13 scuff 13 stuff 11 toffs 11 tuffs 11 focus 10 tofus 8 scout 7
4 Letter Words
coff 12 cuff 12 offs 10 toff 10 tuff 10 coft 9 soft 7 tofu 7 cost 6 cots 6 cuts 6 scot 6 scut 6 oust 4 outs 4
3 Letter Words
off 9 fou 6 oft 6 cos 5 cot 5 cut 5 soc 5 out 3 sot 3 sou 3 uts 3
2 Letter Words
of 5 os 2 so 2 to 2 us 2 ut 2