• Definition - One of a set of small cylindrical tubes used to curl hair.
  • Definition - A sportsman who plays curling.
  • Definition - A pass or a shot of the ball which swerves.
  • Example - The captain sent a curler into the top corner of the net.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
curler 8
5 Letter Words
cruel 7 curer 7 lucre 7 recur 7 ulcer 7 lurer 5 ruler 5
4 Letter Words
clue 6 cure 6 curl 6 curr 6 ecru 6 luce 6 lure 4 ruer 4 rule 4
3 Letter Words
cel 5 cru 5 cue 5 cur 5 ecu 5 rec 5 err 3 leu 3 rue 3
2 Letter Words
el 2 er 2 re 2