• Definition - To form curds so that it no longer flows smoothly; to cause to form such curds. (usually said of milk)
  • Example - Too much lemon will curdle the milk in your tea.
  • Definition - To clot or coagulate; to cause to congeal, such as through cold. (metaphorically of blood)
  • Example - Too much lemon will curdle the milk in your tea.
  • Definition - To cause a liquid to spoil and form clumps so that it no longer flows smoothly
  • Example - Too much lemon will curdle the milk in your tea.
Words in your word
6 Letter Words
curdle 9 curled 9
5 Letter Words
clued 8 crude 8 cured 8 dulce 8 cruel 7 lucre 7 ulcer 7 lured 6 ruled 6
4 Letter Words
cred 7 crud 7 cued 7 curd 7 duce 7 clue 6 cure 6 curl 6 ecru 6 luce 6 duel 5 dure 5 leud 5 lude 5 rude 5 rued 5 lure 4 rule 4
3 Letter Words
cud 6 cel 5 cru 5 cue 5 cur 5 ecu 5 rec 5 del 4 due 4 eld 4 led 4 lud 4 red 4 urd 4 leu 3 rue 3
2 Letter Words
de 3 ed 3 el 2 er 2 re 2